When my father was alive, I thought he was Rich. After his death, I found out he was wealthy. Then i went through the Forbes list of Wealthiest people in the world and it clicked that he was indeed poor. I recall Brandon Davis attack on Lindsay Lohan. His exact words where "She has the stinkiest, sweatiest, orange vagina anyone has ever seen, she wants me to see it but it shits out freckles, and smells like diarrhea. I think she's worth about Seven Million [dollars], which means she's really poor. It's disgusting. She lives in a motel in new york. She is a fire crotch with a clitoris that is seven feet long.
Seven Million dollars???? And she's poor? It got me thinking of the kind of wedding and life style i would lead if money was not an issue. So, i did a little research. Before you continue, be warned that the following statistics may lead to permanent depression amounting to a very lengthy stay in yaba left.
10. Donald Trump and Melanie Knauss
I recall an interview Melanie gave where she spoke about the early stages of her relationship with Trump. He was on the phone with a friend of his who asked if she had cellulite. Trumps reply was "Cellulite? She doesn't know the meaning of the word". They wed on January 22 2005. The cake (Grand Mariner) weighed 200lbs and the brides dress alone cost $200,000 with a 13 foot train, 1500 Rhinestones and pearls all weighing 60lbs. Tony Bennett and Billy Joel entertained guests which included Bill and Hillary Clinton, Shaq, Rudy Giulaini and Katie Couric. Total cost of the wedding was $1,000,000,000 (One Million Dollars)
9. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
I love Tom Cruise but i'm not a fan of Scientology. When these two got together i was worried for katie. Anyways, they got married November 18 2006 in Italy at the 15th century Odescalchi Castle. The bridal party attire was designed by Georgio Armani whilst Andrea Bocelli performed at the ceremony. Total cost was $2,000,000,000 (Two Million Dollars)
8. Arun Nayar and Elizabeth Hurley
I love this couple. They wed on the Wednesday 2nd March 2007 in an eight day celebration spanning Europe and Asia. These included being married in Sudeley Castle in Gloucestshire, Britain, the Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodphur India. Elizabeth was given away by Sir Elton John. Other guest included Elle Macpherson, Donatella Versace and Evelyn Lauder. Total cost was $2,500,000 (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) and the wedding officially broke up early this year.
7. Paul McCartney and Heather Mills
I always thought they made an odd couple but i was so thrilled to see him happy after losing his wife to cancer. They were married on the 11th of June 2002 in Glaslough England in a ceremony witnessed by 300 guests. This was followed by fireworks, a pageant and a mad feast. Their wedding night was spent on a $20million yacht. The total cost of the wedding was $3Million, whilst their divorce cost even more at $50Million.
6. Liza Minelli and David Guest
These two remind me of the Adam's family-especially David. Married on March 16th 2002 at Manhattan's Collegiate church. Over 850 guests including Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson and Natalie Cole who sang unforgettable were in attendance. The 12 tier cake was 6ft tall and cost $40k, whilst more than $70k was spent on flowers alone. Total cost of the wedding was $3.5Million. Alas, the wedding didn't last more than a year and they divorced in 2003.
5. Delphine Arnault and Allessandro Vallarino Gancia
Delphine, the daughter of French business man Bernard Arnault married Allessandro Gancia of the Gancia wine dynasty on September 24 2005 at the Roman Catholic Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Bazas in Gironde. The reception was held in a transparent tent and winery was provided by Arnault's LVMH known for its $100k bottles of wine. Her gown was designed by John Galliano for Christian Dior and took 1,300hours to make. The reception took place at Château d'Yquem, in Bordeaux. The venue was decorated with 5000 white roses. Guests included Elizabeth Hurley, John Galliano, Bernadette Chirac,former French first lady, Karl Lagerfield, Glenda Bailey manager of Harper's Bazaar. The current French president Nicolas Sarkozy joined them for dinner in the castle of Yquem. The total cost of the wedding was over $7Million.
4. Wayne Rooney and Collen Mclaughlin
These two wed in Portofino Italy on the 12th June 2008. The wedding turned into a four day party on a yacht with 64 guests flown in on five private jets. The wedding was simple in that they served pizza at the reception but all other things like the bride's dress by Marchesa cost $3Million added up. Total cost of the wedding was $15Million, $5Million of which they got back through a deal with OK Magazine, giving them exclusive rights to cover the wedding.
3. Vikram Chatwal and Priya Sachdev
Son of New York Hotelier married actress Priya in February 18 2006 in a 10 day celebration across Mumbai, Udaipur and Delhi. 600 guests from 26 countries were flown in on private jets. Guests included Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and P.diddy. Estimated cost of the wedding was $20Million.
2. Aleksandra Kokotovic and Andrei Melnichenko
Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera were both flown in on private jets to perform as Russian Billionaire Andrei Melnichenko and former Miss Yugoslavia Aleksandra wed. They were paid a staggering sum of $3.6Million each. Julio and Enrique Iglesias also performed. The affair was so over the top that rumours circulated that Melnichenko had a russian chapel dismantled, shipped and rebuilt in France.
1. Seemanto & Chandni AND Sushanto & Richa

As part of the festivities more than 40,000 beggars were distributed edibles across the country. The dinner had 110 types of dishes that included Indian, Mexican, Italian, Mongolian, Lebanese, Chinese, and American. 121 musicians from the British Symphony Orchestra performed across 20 Hindi overlay and patriotic songs
Phew!!!!!! My top two favourites are
2. Vanisha Mittal and Amit Bhatia
The world's fifth richest man, Indian steel Magnate Lakshmi Mittal gave out his daughter to investment banker Amit Bhatia. The family sent out 20-page invitations in silver boxes. Mittal put up 1000 guests in a five star Paris hotel for the five day affairs. One night there was a party at Versailles, another at a wooden castle temporarily erected for this wedding in Parc de Saint-Cloud. The wedding itself took place at Vaux Le Vicomte, a 17th century chateau in france on November 18 2004. There was also 100 different dishes prepared by a top Calcutta chef and a wine tab of $1.5Million. The total cost of the wedding was $60Million and has been honoured by Forbes as one of the most expensive weddings ever recorded. Vanisha is the No1 Billionaire Heiress in the world according to Forbes Magazine.
1. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Princess Salama
This wedding has been mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most expensive wedding ever recorded. It took place in 1981 and cost $44.5 Million ($100Million in today's dollars). An amphitheater was built specifically for the 7 day event and was large enough to accommodate their 20,000 guests. 50 Arab and African song-and-dance troupes paraded before the princes, emirs, sheiks and ambassadors who had been flown in on 34 private jets. One of the performer’s who sang a song that was specially written for the couple was awarded a bright red 1981 Mercedes. Bride Salama followed a strict Bedouin tradition and spent the duration of her week long wedding celebration, cloistered in her room.
*sigh*....I don't know what to do with my life again. I'm so confused with everything i have now.
DEPRESSED. I am sooooooo
All i ask for is that somebody will give me $100,000. And people are spending $100M on wedding...
Where is Obama when you need him to "spread the wealth around." I could use a few thousands of their millions of dollars for some worthy projects... :-/
Not that having that kind of money wouldn't be a welcome treat- but im a cheapskate at heart lol. Im reading these stories and just shakin my head. I can't fathom spending that kind of money on anything, even if i did have it.
This is truly annoying. Annoying because the cost of some of these weddings can build countries. Theses Arab people are so wealthy, i get dizzy just thinking about it.
How many of those couples are still together?
Arrrrrrgh! So true what you wrote! All i think about these days is how to make money!!!! Na wah for Arabs oh....sooo rich! Lawd! when will I start making my millions oh.....
Brandon Davis!! Intimidating figures for the weddings; it's a shame that most of them didn't last. I guess this illustrates that money isn't everything.
Brandon Davis is just a spoilt little rich kid who is obviously stupid.Orange vagina? who the hell says that?
well, the cost of the wedding is immaterial, the most important thing is the marriage
Why send so much on a wedding you're not sure will last? Assuming each of these people got married thrice? I bet Paul McCartney is kicking himself and cursing Piers Morgan for introducing him to Mills the gold digger
No wonder the Dubai economy almost crashed.
Sigh , its obvious i need to work harder
All i need is like $100,000 ,plz plz plz who knows a rich man , I will work hard to get him to marry me , get like a quarter of the money that Donald trump in a quick divorce. and be happy for a little while spending that money.
I hate looking at these sort of things, but like a train wreck, you just can't. $100M on wedding, and most end in divorce? SMH.
I'm glad Tom and Katie are still together sha..
LOL @ the Guinness World Book of records wedding...the fact that they built an amphitheater specifically for the wedding makes me scratch my head.
After spending billions of dollars, I would expect that they'd resist DIVORCE.
hahaha... paul mccartney came out the loser in all of this. $50 million dollars???? wow...poor guy
I was so depressed when i was doing the research for this post. As in so much money in this world.
wow am so in depression phury. all i need is 1mil nigeria currency
Oh wow, this is quite depressing, a fraction of that money would set some people up for life.
Plus I want me some :(
pls wen will u complete the book series, ve been waiting since sotey i forgot the title
OMG! Now i'm depressed! *SOB* :'(
Its sad most of these people are divorced...money is a good thing tho!
Nice One...btw you need to edit the figures in the Trump and Cruise section, milion is 6 zeros not 9, :)........Cheers
Hey Lisa. How are you?
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